New Siblands Primary School

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Careers and Transition Planning

At New Siblands we believe that every pupil can be supported over time to develop knowledge and skills that will support their journey towards adult life and eventually their next steps into an educational, employment or a community placement.  

 We are committed to ensuring that students are supported to make informed realistic decisions and to choose pathways that suit their interests and abilities.

 We aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage learners to consider a wide range of careers. Through carefully planned careers education and guidance and a clear and structured employability pathway, it is hoped that learners will be encouraged to go on to further learning, supported internships, apprenticeships or into employment.

 We recognise that each learner will have different learning needs and preferences, so we personalise our approach to match these. 


Pupils in Early Years, Primary and following the Belonging Pathway

Pupils in Y7 –Y11

Pupils in Y12-Y14

For our younger pupils and those at early stages of cognitive development, the Careers offer is about self-awareness and reflection, developing practical skills, and gaining an insight into the world of work. 

The work is embedded into the curriculum through:

· A vocational learning theme linked to the termly curriculum theme. Please see vocational themes overview below. 

· The ‘Self-Care and Independence’ aspect of the whole school curriculum

From Y7 to Y11 the careers offer will expand to include careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG), which will be embedded into our wider curriculum. 

The self-care and independence curriculum will also continue, and together these will form a basis that prepares our pupils for adult life.


Pupils will be equipped with the skills and knowledge they need to ensure they are able to keep themselves safe, begin to understand the options available to them, and are empowered to make choices about their own next steps.


From Y9 they will receive personal guidance once a year and their EHCP annual reviews will include transitions outcomes.

Pupils in Post 16 will follow our Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) curriculum, which has an even greater focus on preparation, planning and support for next steps beyond New Siblands School.





Primary and Secondary Vocational Themes Overview  


primary curriculum themes overview 3 year cycle final.pdf


secondary curriculum themes overview 3 year cycle final.pdf



 The Careers offer at is linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks, as follows:

Gatsby Benchmark

How we meet this at New Siblands School

A stable careers


Our Careers overview can be seen below

Our Careers Lead is:  Jon Troy 

Our Personal Development Lead is: Craig Tucker

Learning from career and labour market


Our Careers and Transitions Adviser is available for students and their parents/carers at any point during their time with Two Bridges. They can be contacted at:


Students have regular opportunities to find out about, and meet different employers from Year 10, through group and individual visits, virtual employability sessions and visiting speakers.  They also have access to the Job Education database (JED) to find out about jobs and career pathways.


We hold an annual ‘Preparation for Adulthood & Transitions’ event where a wide range of support agencies and potential future providers are available to meet students and their parents/carers.

Addressing the needs of each pupil

At New Siblands School we understand the individual journeys our students take, both whilst they are with us, and when they move on from us. We ensure that all learning is contextualised to the individual needs of the student and review learning targets regularly to ensure they are appropriate and meaningful.


All students and their families have access to our Careers and Transitions Adviser who can support them with advice and information/guidance, visits to potential providers, access and signposting to support agencies and on-going tracking once they leave us. This support is bespoke and tailored to those students and families who most need it, to ensure all of our families are equally enabled to explore and identify suitable longer-term provision.


Linking curriculum learning to careers

Throughout learning at New Siblands School, we focus on different vocational themes and how they can be contextualised and related to real world experiences.


Within Post-16 we particularly focus on the functional application of literacy and numeracy skills in the adult world to ensure our students are learning life skills that are relevant and appropriate to them as young adults.

Encounters with employers and employees

We encourage employers and training providers to regularly visit our school, and attend events such as our Transitions/Preparation for Adulthood events, run workshops and virtual/in person experience sessions. In this we are supported by the West of England Hub’s Employment Adviser who can ensure we retain links to the local labour market and source on-going employability experiences for our students

Experiences of workplaces

We offer a range of onsite work experience opportunities for our students such as office work, recycling, gardening, tidying, car valeting etc.


Where appropriate, we ensure students have opportunities to access external work experiences at local cafes, nurseries, shops and garden centres.

Encounters with further and higher education

Students are supported to visit and explore local Further and Higher Education providers where appropriate. During our Post-16 Transition Weeks we go out of school to look at local supported and specialist education settings, work and training providers and social and community placements.

Personal guidance

From Year 7, all students have the chance to meet a Level 6 qualified Careers and Transitions Adviser who listens to the student voice and provides guidance, advice and information to the student and their families.

 Careers Overview 

Enable Trust

Enable Trust is a specialist school Trust with a vision to deliver the best quality provision for children with a range of complex co-existing special educational needs.

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